Control Circuits Use Microcontroller for Flexibility
in Implementing PID Algorithms
When a process is controlled (Figure
1), a characteristic of the process, such as a temperature (regulated
is compared with the desired value, or setpoint.
The difference, or error signal, e(t), is
applied to a controller, which uses the
error signal to produce a control signal, u(t),
that manipulates a physical input to the process
(manipulated variable), causing
a change in the regulated variable that will stably
reduce the error.
A commonly used control operator is
a proportional-integral-derivative (P-I-D,
or PID) controller. It sums three terms derived from
the error: a simple gain, or proportional term;
a term proportional to the integral of the error, or integral
term; and
a term proportional to the rate of change of the error
signal, or derivative term. In the closed
loop, the proportional term seeks to reduce the error
in proportion to its instantaneous value; the integral
term - accumulating
error - slowly drives the error towards zero (and
its stored error tends to drive it beyond zero); and
the derivative term uses the rate of change of error
to anticipate its future value, speeding up the response
to the proportional term and tending to improve loop
stability by compensating for the integral term’s
The combination of these terms can
provide very accurate and stable control. But the
control terms must be individually adjusted or “tuned” for
optimum behaviour in a particular system. Because processes
with many lags or substantially delayed response are
hard to control, a simple PID controller is best used
for processes that react readily to changes in the
manipulated variable (which often controls the amount
or rate-of-flow of energy added to the process). PID
control is useful in systems where the load is continually
varying and the controller is expected to respond automatically
to frequent changes in setpoint—or deviations
of the regulated variable (due to changes in ambient
conditions and loading)
Figure 1. Control loop employing
a PID control function
The parameters of PID controllers for
slow processes are usually obtained initially by working
with system models scaled up in speed. There are many
advanced control strategies, but the great majority
of industrial control systems use PID controllers because
they are standard, time-tested, well understood industrial
components. Moreover, due to process uncertainties,
a more-sophisticated control scheme is not necessarily
more efficient than a well-tuned PID controller for
a given process.
The PID terms were briefly explained
above. Here is a more complete explanation of them.
Proportional control applies a
corrective term proportional to the error. The proportionality
constant (Kp) is known as the proportional
gain of
the controller. As the gain is increased, the system
responds faster to changes in setpoint, and the final
(steady-state) error is smaller, but the system becomes
less stable, because it is increasingly under-damped.
Further increases in gain will result in overshoots,
ringing, and ultimately, undamped oscillation.
Although proportional control can reduce error
substantially, it cannot by itself reduce the error
to zero. The error can, however, be reduced to zero
by adding an integral term to the control
function. An integrator in a closed loop must seek
to hold its average input at zero (otherwise, its output
would increase indefinitely, ending up in saturation
or worse). The higher the integral gain constant, Ki,
the sooner the error heads for zero (and beyond) in
response to a change; so to set Ki too high
is to invite oscillation and instability.
Derivative Control
a derivative term—proportional to
the time derivative, or rate-of-change, of the error
signal—can improve the stability, reduce the overshoot
that arises when proportional and/or integral terms are
used at high gain, and improve response speed by anticipating
changes in the error. Its gain, or the “damping
constant,” Kd, can usually be adjusted
to achieve a critically damped response to changes in
the setpoint or the regulated variable. Too little damping,
and the overshoot from proportional control may remain;
too much damping may cause an unnecessarily slow response.
The designer should also note that differentiators amplify
high frequency noise appearing in the error signal.
summary, a proportional controller (P) will reduce
the rise time and will reduce, but never eliminate,
the steady state error. A proportional-integral (PI)
controller will eliminate the steady state error, but
it may make the transient response worse. A proportional-integral-derivative
controller (PID) will increase the system stability,
reduce the overshoot, and improve the transient response.
Effects of increasing a given term in a closed-loop
system are summarized in Table I
The sum of the three terms is
The corresponding operational transfer
function is:
In the system of Figure 1, the difference between the
setpoint value and the actual output is represented by
the error signal e(t). The error signal
is applied to a PID controller, which computes the derivative
and the integral of this error signal, applies the three
coefficients, and performs the above summation to form
the signal, u(t).
Digital PID Control
The PID algorithm,
now widely used in industrial process control, has
been recognized and employed for nearly a century, originally
in pneumatic controllers. Electronics—first used
to model PID controls in control-system design with
analog computers in the 1940s and ’50s—became
increasingly involved in actual process-control loops,
first as analog controllers, and later as digital controllers.
Software implementation of the PID algorithm with 8-bit
microcontrollers is well documented.
In this article
we show the basic components of a digital PID controller—and
then show how process control can be implemented economically
using a MicroConverter®, a data-acquisition system
on a chip.
One might consider the use of a PID loop,
for example, in an air conditioning or refrigeration
system to accurately maintain temperature in a narrow
range, using continuous monitoring and control (as
opposed to thermostatic on-off control). Figure
2 shows a basic block diagram of a control system that
regulates temperature by continuously adjusting fan speed,
increasing or decreasing the airflow from a low-temperature
Figure 2. Example of a PID controller for a temperature-controlled
ventilation system using discrete components.
The system
is required to maintain the room temperature as close
as possible to the user-selected (setpoint) value.
To do this, the system must accurately measure the room
temperature and adjust the fan speed to compensate.
In the system shown in Figure 2,
a precision current source drives a current through
a resistive temperature sensor—a
thermistor or RTD—in series with a reference
resistor, adjusted to represent the desired temperature.
The analog-to-digital converter (ADC) digitizes the
difference between the reference voltage and the
thermistor voltage as a measure of the temperature
error. An 8-bit microcontroller is used to process
the ADC results, and to implement the PID controller.
The microcontroller adjusts the fan speed, driving
it via the digital-to-analog converter (DAC). External
program memory and RAM are required to operate the
8-bit microcontroller and execute the program.
proportional control (P) on its own were used, the
rate at which the fans run would be directly related
to the temperature difference from the setpoint. As mentioned
earlier, this will leave a steady state error in
Adding an integral term (PI) results in the fan
speed rising or falling with the ambient temperature.
It adjusts the room temperature to compensate for errors
due to the ambient rise in temperature through the
day and then the temperature fall in the evening. The
integral term thus removes the offset, but if the integral
gain is too high, oscillation about the setpoint can
be introduced. (Note that oscillation is inherent in
temperature-control systems employing on-off thermostats.)
oscillatory tendency can be greatly reduced by adding
in a derivative term (PID). The derivative term responds
to the rate of change of the error from the setpoint.
It helps the system rapidly correct for sudden changes due to a door
or window being opened momentarily.
To simplify this system,
minimizing parts cost, assembly cost, and board
area, an integrated system-on-a-chip (SOC) solution can
be used, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. System-on-a-chip implementation.
The ADuC845 MicroConverter
includes 62K bytes of flash/EE program memory, 4K bytes
of flash data memory, and 2K bytes of RAM. The flash
data memory can be used to store the coefficients for
a ‘tuned’ PID loop, while the single-cycle
core provides enough processing power to simultaneously
implement the PID loop and perform general tasks.
on which MicroConverter is selected, the resolution
of the ADC ranges from 12 to 24 bits. In a system where
the temperature needs to be maintained to 0.1°C
accuracy, the ADuC845’s
high performance 24-bit sigma-delta ADC is ideal.
A second type of application
where a PID control loop is useful is setpoint (servo)
motor control. In this application the motor is required
to move to, maintain, and follow an angular position
defined by a user input (for example, the rotation
of a potentiometer—Figure 4).
Figure 4. Example of a motor control system embodied
with discrete components.
Again, this system can be implemented
using many discrete components or, more simply, with
an integrated solution. Figure 5 shows a demonstration
system built using the MicroConverter. The circuitry
on the board causes the pointer to follow the rotation
of the setpoint input potentiometer.
Figure 5. Sample motor control system using discrete
6. System-on-a-chip
implementation of Figure
With the blocks integrated in the compact form
of the ADuC842, parts and assembly costs are
lower; the computational electronics occupies considerably
less space and is more reliable. Figure
6 shows
the simplicity of the system hardware using the SOC
approach. Besides the ADuC842, the board includes a potentiometer
buffer amplifier, an output power amplifier that drives
the motor, a 5-V low-noise regulator for the low-power
electronics, and a huskier 5-V regulator (with heatsink)
for the motor. The board also includes status LEDs, a
RESET button, a serial-data download button, and some
passive elements.Using PC software to simulate the rest
of the system, Figure 7 shows responses for different
levels of system tuning, and demonstrates the importance
of the integral term.
Figure 7. Proportional-integral (P-I) control for three
settings of the integral term.
Note the offset from 1.0
for KI = 0, the lightly damped oscillatory tendency for
KI = 2000, with oscillations almost eliminated at KI
= 550.
The improvement in overall system step response
when implemented with the full PID loop is clearly
shown in Figure 8. The response is fast, accurate, and
damped, with no offset, oscillation, or overshoot.
Figure 8. Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control
This articles was written by Eamon Neary
from Analog Devices - www.analog.com |